Friday 9 July 2021

The up coming Disco πŸ§‘‍πŸš€πŸŒ™πŸŒπŸŒŸπŸŒ !!!(Today!)

 Hey Guys Rose here!!

Everyone is so excited for the disco I can't believe it's the last day of school already .I bet everyone knows the theme for the disco IT'S.....Cosmic/Matariki .Has most of my friends know that i'm a astronaut/among us and if i don't wear my head for my costume then i can be a  moon anyways.I hope that everyone has fun at the disco can't wait to see everyone in there costumes have fun .Well besides the disco here are some things i enjoyed during this term .

- Toolkits

-Garden to table


-Cultural unity day

-Cross Country


Here are some photos

This are the only ones a have sorry!


  1. Really thorough detail here, Rose, and love how you added other aspects of the term that you enjoyed. How was the disco? I am sure your readers would love an update.

  2. Helo Rose, I really like your blog post because you put lots of detail and it was fun to read, maybe next time you make your i To an I just saying, this post reminds me about the last day of term.
    blog ya later Leo rm 25

    1. Hi Leo,
      Thanks for the feedback but in your comment I can't really understand what you said maybe you could repeat it and some of it is about the last day of the term . BYE!


  3. Hello Rose!
    I really like how you have added some photo's in your blog post and yah I think the disco is going and is cool!

    Blog you later


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